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Empowered Birth Worker: My Journey to Expand My Knowledge for Better Client Support

Writer's picture: Courtney Courtney

By: Courtney Ferguson


Some of you may know me and my story on how I became a birth worker. If you don't, here is a small summary of how we got here. I got to experience my first birth in my nursing school and as surprising as it was to everyone (myself included)

I was in awe. From there, the stars aligned and my first job as a nurse was on a labor and delivery unit. Almost a decade later, I still find myself hit with wonderment every time I get the opportunity to support families in bringing their beautiful baby to the outside world.

This is not without its hiccups though. My first couple years in this role, I was in survival mode. Taking on the responsibility of making sure everyone is safe while learning the intricate ins and outs of the medical system I was working in was intense to say the least. Tears were a common theme, even on days that I would now consider good days. I was treading water trying not to sink

You may be thinking, "Where is she going with this?". Hear me out. I say all this to show that my capacity to grow and soak in new ideas was at an all time low during those first few years. Due to this, I believed that the way you needed to labor was exactly what I was shown. It had clear cut guidelines; it was a fairly straightforward process; If this happened then you do this or if it didn't then you do this. There wasn't a lot of room for options and we didn't have much tools given besides "More Pitocin". The most inventive thing at that time was we had gotten peanut balls so we could create a little more movement when moving you side to side.

Peanut Ball for Labor
Peanut Balls for Labor

Needless to say, once I became confident in my abilities to be a labor and delivery nurse, I finally had the capacity to start seeing outside the box that the system I worked in had created. Through many beautiful people in my life (patients, nurses, doulas, midwives, obgyns, family, friends, etc) I was starting to see and hear about choices that I didn't realize were an option in labor. Water births, intermittent auscultation, Nitrous, birthing on hands and knees and many more. This was due to it "not being aloud." or it was discussed with much disdain. I knew if I wanted to support my people in the way that I felt would give us the best chance to create a positive birthing experience that I was going to have to go look for it myself.

I then heard about Spinning Babies about 7 years ago from my sister. I began reading into them and a few years later my work had brought someone to teach us (Good job work!). I was hooked! I was the annoying student that volunteered for every manuver and position (Thank you Rhea Williams for you boundless patience with me). After this class things started to click. I didn't have to force things to happen I could work with a pregnant person and trust their bodies abilities to give birth. Physiological birth was possible!!!

Through Spinning Babies emails I stumbled upon the lovely Lindsay Mccoy. Listening to her multiple day webinar, I knew I had to learn from her. The In depth knowledge of how to work with clients, not just in labor, but also during pregnancy and after birth was daunting but fascinating. I was getting the opportunity to take a pinpoint opportunity in how I could help people in labor and birth and expanding it. Through the six month program, I learn how to support families in reaching their goals for themselves through implementing exercises that helped with discomforts and prepping for labor, individualizing tools to work for clients and their lives, and creating awareness of themselves and their bodies. One of my favorite things that Lindsay says is that "We can't control everything that happens in birth but we can stack the cards in our favor.". I truly believe with this training that I can support my clients and help them stack their cards to help set them up for a positive experience.

This is why I am offering Aligned For Birth. As a certified Body Ready Method

® Pro I have a deep understanding of how to help you prepare for your desired birth; I can help you address and minimize pregnancy related aches and pains; I can support you in experiencing a smooth transition into recovery and postpartum. If you would like to sign up for my sessions, click the button below.

I am sending you all the good thoughts and vibes and I will see you next time



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